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Stocked up-Locked down-Stay Healthy!

In response to unprecedented demand, essential products are still being manufactured by Vita-Myr Natural Products.


At a time when the news is so discouraging, it is easy to feel as though we do not have much control over the current unprecedented threat to our health. The good news is that there is a lot you can do at home to protect yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Here are a few steps you can take to maintain your health and support your immune system:


Replace your toothbrush right now, and then do it again in one to two weeks. This helps to help reduce the risk of contracting any virus from the bristles. Continue this as long as necessary to get through this crisis. If you don't have any backup brushes, you can soak your current toothbrush in two tablespoons of baking soda or a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water.


No matter what, avoid sharing at all cost. Have your own roll of floss, your own tube of toothpaste, your own bottle of mouthwash, and use a disposable cup. Store your item’s separate from anyone else’s items. If you have a retainer or mouth-guard, clean with soap and water after each use. Keep your clean toothbrush covered and to avoid contamination when flushing, keep your toothbrush as a far away from the toilet as you can.


By proper brushing and flossing, you can maintain good oral hygiene during this time. Avoid excessive consumption of sweets, acidic beverages, and foods that cling to your teeth. All sugars and most cooked starchy foods are major plaque promoters, including milk, honey, raisins, hard candy, dry cereal and bread. Avoiding sugars can help keep your body from becoming too acidic, an alkaline state is healthier for your body   Be careful not to eat anything that can get stuck between your teeth or under your gums. You should reconsider popcorn, hard or sticky candy or gums

Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash, such as VITA-MYR Zinc-Plus mouthwash, which helps to drop the bacterial load count in the mouth. Try to brush twice a day, morning and before bedtime, rinse with the mouthwash and do not eat any food before you go to bed. 


There is so much misinformation out there about this virus, but the bottom line is, it is real, it is sneaky, and most importantly, it is a new virus, thus the name NOVEL virus. This means that we have NO immunity to it. If you become infected with this virus, you have no immunity to it, so boosting your immune system with vitamins and other supplements are great for your overall health, but there is no guarantee that a strong immune system will keep you from getting the virus. So, the simple advice we hear over and over is the best we have to keep us from coming in contact with the COVID-19 virus.


Please, practice the social distancing advice, use the hand sanitizers, wash your hands- a lot, clean surfaces with cleaning spray, and keep your mouth and nose covered when you go out.


Let’s also not forget to be kind to one another; we need to be mindful that we need to keep our spirits healthy through this dark time. This trial will not last forever and we will remember those that were able to show a generosity of spirit when we needed it most.


Vitamyr is committed to providing quality products at reasonable prices! We see the shameless acts of price gouging! We shop like everyone else and we are appalled at seeing prices double, triple and sometimes more! We will sell our products at the same low price we have always been or lower for as long as we can. Thank you.


About the Author:

Yvonne Takhtalian, C.N.H.P., Holistic Iridologist, Clinical Aroma Therapist and Flower Essence Practitioner has spent the past 25 years developing and improving Vita-Myr Natural Products helping thousands like you heal and prevent gum disease and gingivitis. She developed a line of 100% Natural Vita-Myr Soaps, VITA-MYR Zinc-Plus Children’s Toothpaste with Xylitol and Natural Orange Flavor and VITA-MYR Xtra toothpaste with Xylitol and CoQ10 to compliment her original Vita-Myr Mouthwash and Toothpaste. Find out more about effective natural relief of gum disease at or email questions/comments to Yvonne at Yvonne's Email Copyright © 2008 Vita-Myr® International Inc. All rights reserved. Natural Products for Healthy Living ®

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